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Affordable Insights: The Industry Shift You Can't Afford to Ignore

Posted on February 22, 2017 by Monika Rogers

Today’s high-performing marketing teams quickly and affordably respond to changing marketplace conditions. They also test early and often, and they're rewarded with accurate, actionable, and affordable insights – the holy grail of research. Here's how they do it without breaking the bank.

Innovative Product Ideas Start With These Golden Nuggets

Posted on November 10, 2015 by Jane Boutelle

Behind every innovative product idea is a golden nugget of customer insight. How do you prospect for the nugget, and more importantly, how do you get management to understand its value once you’ve unearthed it?

7 Sure-Fire Steps to Innovative Thinking and Doing

Posted on September 13, 2015 by Jane Boutelle

Successful innovation requires more than just inventive brainstorming. It demands systematic thinking and a box filled with tools and techniques. To create new product opportunities with strategic intent, try a proven, step-by-step approach to innovation.

The Most Important Source of New Product Ideas

Posted on June 23, 2015 by Jane Boutelle

The best way to get some “innovation insurance?” Invite your customer to the product development team. Voice of customer online research communities can be a great resource for generating new ideas and validating them at the same time.

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