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When It Comes to Research Agility, How Does Your Company Stack Up?

The past year has been a whirlwind for Consumer Insights. Teams across all industries continue to work under enormous constraints to help their organizations navigate rapid changes as effectively as possible.

A Digsite study conducted in December of 2020 uncovered a pattern of common difficulties faced by market research professionals, including:

  • Limited budget and staff
  • Need for multiple forms of data to inform decisions
  • Unrealistic timelines
  • Changes in scope after starting a project
  • Team is stretched too thin

To keep up, leading companies are accelerating their transition to more agile approaches to deliver consumer-centric insights faster without sacrificing quality. How does your approach to research compare to other organizations?

View the Slides

What is the norm for agility today, and where should you focus to improve your capabilities and stay competitive? We conducted a benchmarking study with insights pros from a diverse set of industries – 80 companies represented in all. From this research, we identified three specific tiers of agile researchers: the Juggler, the Manager and the Achiever.

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Which one are you? To find out, take our fast 10-question self-assessment. Based on your score across seven measures of agility, you’ll receive a report that shows what you can and should be doing to improve your research agility.


We will continue collecting data and tracking progress throughout 2021, so please make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter to get updates. Gain more refined insights into your industry and lean how to maximize the ROI of your research budget to deliver both speed and quality.


Topics: Market Research, Online Communities, Innovation, Agile

Monika Rogers

Monika Rogers

Monika Rogers is the CEO and Co-founder of Digsite. She has more than 20 years of marketing, innovation and market research experience, including positions at General Mills, Pillsbury and the A.C. Nielsen Center for Marketing Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.