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How (and Why) We Built the Next Gen Platform for Qual + Quant Iteration

Written by Monika Rogers | November 13, 2020

Our company’s heritage is quick qualitative studies we call Sprints, which let you set up a research community, recruit participants overnight and engage participants over hours or days with instant reporting. 

Historically, this type of research technology has been siloed from traditional surveys. Across the industry, different types of technology companies and service providers specialize in different types of learning, such as early stage idea generation vs. late-stage validation. Design thinking, lean start-up and agile principles have taught us that to be effective, you need to move quickly between problem identification and solution creation, as well as between learning and validation. With siloed technology and services, it is challenging to move quickly and fluidly between these different methods.

Our customers started asking for quant sample sizes but qual insights, or qual sample sizes with robust analytics. They want to learn from one study and then quickly move to the next.


Digsite has always been an expert at online qual, but we knew a broader solution was needed in order to meet customers’ growing, varied requirements. The solution needed to be a much more fluid and integrated platform for both qualitative iteration and quantitative validation. For example,

Our vision

We understood what was needed – but it didn’t exist. We set out to build a holistic, integrated platform for qual iteration and quant validation PLUS the sample so you can recontact participants and get quality responses. We wanted a solution that enabled you to do the entire study yourself, but with support and consulting services on demand if you realize you need assistance or want to shift to a more complex approach. And you can be responsive and flexible to your team’s needs without having to change vendors or platforms mid-stream.

What we built: templates with qual + quant tasks

We’ve broken the quant survey element into chunks that take just a few minutes each for the participant to complete. For example:

Concept testing – This template includes four tasks and provides better automated reporting with comparisons and the ability to move participants into a qual study. Tasks include:

  • Overall appeal, (via a whiteboard tool)
  • Purchase intent
  • Benefits (voting on attributes)
  • Usage (a fill-in-the-blank storytelling device)

We have similar templates for ad testing, brand tracking and Jobs to be Done.

Built for client-side innovators

Technology today needs to do more than it has in the past. It needs to be fluid and allow for back and forth, planned and unplanned iteration. Here’s how we have built that functionality into our new platform at all four stages.
    • Editable templates: You can use our standard template for a concept test, but you can also add your own custom tasks and benchmark from study to study on both the qual and quant sides.
    • Consultant support: Digsite is a technology platform that provides consultant support when researchers need it. If you can design and launch the study yourself, great. If you want our help, we can build that in to the preparation process.
    • Qual ready sample: In order to do good qual research, you need qual ready sample – interested, articulate consumers who can move from quant to qual. We have built a panel of tens of thousands of consumers who were recruited via social media and want to talk and share videos and get engaged in the process. Our quant sample allows us to quickly move into a targeted qual study.
    • Ability to iterate: What allows for iteration from quant to qual or within your qual research is having the highest quality sample comprised of good, articulate qual participants and the rapid ability to recruit participants into your studies. Our best-in-class sample provides this.
    • Dashboard text analytics and stats: Autopinning looks at sentiment, keywords, and identifies the most relevant quotes and populates them into your dashboard. Stat testing is built in as well.

    • PowerPoint downloads and topline consultant support when you need it: You as a client can roll in additional information and customize the report to your specific audience as a PowerPoint presentation.

All of these features make it possible to move very quickly and get robust qual and quant research all in one place.

To learn more about Digsite's soon-to-be-released qual+quant capabilities, check out the recording to our demo webinar, "Accelerating Innovation with New Research Technology."