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How Tech Advances Are Changing the Game for Qual + Quant Research

Written by Monika Rogers | December 7, 2020

Market research has changed tremendously over the past few years. Advances in technology are making it faster and easier for research teams to conduct both qualitative and quantitative research in-house. What used to take weeks and a specialized team of experts can now be done with a few clicks of a mouse.

In the past, with traditional marketing or innovation timelines, the team would gather qual insights, build solutions and then wait for quant study results before making a decision and hopefully moving forward. Today, companies are moving too fast for this type of extended timeline – they need to make high-quality decisions quickly. That’s why combining qual and quant capabilities is so powerful: It allows research teams to provide high value and helps their companies move quickly through the development phase without slowing the process down.

Advances in qual

The evolution of technology – and consumer adoption of social media and smartphones in particular – has disrupted the qualitative research industry. Today, more than 81% of Americans own a smartphone. More than 4.2 billion people worldwide have mobile devices, and 91% of them are active on social media. This has allowed for qual to shift from in-person research to online research.

Some of the main advances in qual include:

  • Rapid recruitment
  • Use of mobile devices
  • Social media-style engagement
  • The ability to recontact participants
  • In-context learning and iteration
  • Video insights
  • AI-driven analysis

Advances in quant

Quant research typically involves sending a survey to a large group of participants. Now, the way quant is conducted is changing as well, enabled by advances in technology and the use of mobile devices by participants.

Some of the main advances in quant include:

  • Instant samples
  • Mobile surveys
  • Shorter surveys
  • Automated design and reporting
  • Integrated stat testing

Qual + quant: better together

Using both qual and quant data provides a clearer picture and improves understanding for researchers. Long timeframes and high cost have been deterrents, and in many cases researchers have had to choose one or the other.  Now – imagine being able to conduct both types of research at the same time, with greater speed and efficiency. It’s happening, and it’s the future of our industry.

How does it work? With the right technology platform, companies can choose to:

  • Simultaneously get qual and quant insights within the same study
  • Move participants seamlessly from quant to qual
  • Instantly recontact participants based on answers to previous studies
  • View results and compare within or across studies with embedded stat testing
  • Access consulting support on demand rather than choosing between DIY and full service

Leading-edge technology platforms like Digsite make it possible for client-side teams to conduct rapid agile research in-house with a simple integrated all-in-one solution. The benefits are enormous, as teams can conduct faster and more affordable research without sacrificing quality.

Where you can learn more

Our latest eBook, How Technology Is Allowing Teams to Combine Qual and Quant Research In-House, explores in detail how qual and quant research are evolving and  how real-world companies have combined qual + quant insights for simultaneous learning and iteration. Read the complimentary, 26-page eBook today.